
...thoughts and news on digital forensics, pentesting, electronic investigations, and the computer underground.

Posted by Matt C

What Can Happen With Just an IP Address

After the Facebook post last week, much of the backlash consisted of, "Who cares if someone has my IP address? That information is almost always out there." Well, here is a great example of what someone can do with an IP address.

Here’s something to really think about.. I was able to obtain all of the information in this post for 16 cents and by just using an email and IP address from a piece of spam.

Family members, ages, schools, anniversary dates, marriage lengths, hobbies, interests, phone numbers, addresses, property records, property taxes, pictures of their house, pictures of them, pictures of their children and grandchildren, deeds on their house, bankruptcies, employment history, previous addresses, previous creditors, and bits of social security numbers.

I’m pretty sure I’d be able to fake my way through one of those password reset forms.. you know, where you set up a “secret question” asking what your dogs name was, or where you went to school?

Beyond that, I’m fairly confident that at this point, if I were to call his bank and pretend to be him, I could easily pass when they asked me personal questions.


matt said...

Sometimes people really need to be smacked in the face before they begin to take things seriously. That's part of the reason that we're in the situation we're in in terms of internet security.

I'm glad you enjoyed the post.

- matt

Anonymous said...

It will happen in Advanced countries like USA UK..when every thing every information is digitized...
But in Third world countries where i live in..its not possible...For Example I hardly have any record/Name in any Goverment Website or Database..

Moreover i have a Gmail ID and a Facebook Account where i hardly give out my personal information...Not Even my name...

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